Monday, July 5, 2010

Little brother...

Little brother is not so little anymore!

He's now in the university pursuing his studying. Ouhhh..takde dah geng i nak buli hari-hari..[Eh, it's the other way round. He bullies me a lot as compared to I bully him! Cet...]

Nowadays, our nights are becoming more sunyi than before. Especially at this time now - World Cup! He would be the only one who is willing to wake up in the wee hours of the night to watch the football. Sometimes, daddy would join and hardly the big brother would join ["Lebih baik aku tido daripada nak bangun tengah malam tengok bola", he would say. Haha. Btol jugak tu. =P ] But since little brother left last last Saturday, I haven't hear any "lalat or lebah" sound of the match in the middle of the night. [It's called the vuvuzela right? I just learnt that word. Hehe...] Maybe daddy's too tired to watch..or..maybe he don't have the companion..or..maybe it's not a match that's worth watching..or..yada yada..I don't know. Hehe.

The parents seem to look cool but I know deep down they miss their 'little' boy. Mummy always ask me and sister "Tak call adik ke?". Daddy also. Me and sis texted him quite frequently but now that he's having his orientation week, so it's quite hard to get to talk long with daddy and mummy. In fact, dah 2 hari kot diorang tak cakap dengan little brother. Baru 2 hari je! Haha...

Anyhow...he has to be independent sooner or later ait? And the time has come now. He has been staying with the parents for the past 18 years. Tak pernah duduk asrama pon. Unlike me which at the age of 16 was already in asrama hundreds miles away from the family. Jauh kan? Hehe. He has to learn how to manage things on his own, has to manage his time wisely, has to choose the right friends, has to adapt to the new environment, has to even basuh, lipat and iron baju sendiri! Haha. Good for him though. ;)

Gambar curi little brother masuk 'skolah'. Hehe...

Spring cleaning little brother's 'new' room...

Anyway, that story was last week's. Yesterday, we just sent him back to his univ. He was home the past weekend. Parents were so excited though baru seminggu tak jumpa. [Well, I got excited as well. Hihi...]. Weekend went normal for us, but a bit abnormal for me in a good way though. ;)

Today, his classes has started. So...

To dearest 'little' brother: I wish you the very best of luck in your studies. Make sure that you study well and achieve excellent results with REAL flying colours k! Love you...;)

x fairy x


  1. All da best to him!

    Moga Allah berkati & beri taufeeq kepada ur lil bro

  2. InshaAllah..amin...

    Thanks pyan! =)
